Protecting, Nurturing and Beautifying Landscapes in the Hamptons Since 1980
Let it snow- we will help plow!
With the pending snow storm we wanted to let you know we have snow plow services to clear driveways for fuel deliveries or house watchers to gain access. If this is a service you may require please send us an email at detailing items such as for plowing and details as to when you need your driveway plowed. We will try to accommodate time requests, however please keep in mind the magnitude of this storm and that emergency requests will be given first priority. Include any specific details such as needing access to the garage etc. Shoveling walkways is available for an additional fee. Please note that if your driveway has not been staked, we have no guidelines to follow and will do our best to avoid damage to curbing and driveway lights, however, we can not guarantee no damage will occur.
If you have a gravel driveway we will do our best to raise the plow to avoid pushing gravel however there will be misplaced gravel. We will leave piles of snow on the driveway surface area to allow for easy re-distribution of the gravel in the Spring at cleanup time.
Please provide a phone number with your email so we may contact you if necessary.