Protecting, Nurturing and Beautifying Landscapes in the Hamptons Since 1980

2024 Winner of two Best of the Best awards
Nature's Guardian Inc. is proud to have received two Dan's Papers 2024 Best of the Best awards in the categories of Landscaper and Tree Service. This is the ninth year in a row that we have received the prestigous Dan's Papers awards in multiple categories.

Spotted Lanternfly
The NY State Dept of Agriculture and Markets has confirmed that the spotted lanternfly, an invasive insect, has been found in multiple counties in New York. This insect is native to Asia and has also been detected in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia. ...

Beech Leaf Disease
Beech Leaf Disease (BLD) has quickly become a serious threat to our Native Beech trees and is decimating beech trees across Long Island, New York State and parts of the Northeast. It was first detected in 2012 in Ohio and is now found in 12 states, greatly infecting...

Mosquito Control
The NY State Dept of Agriculture and Markets has confirmed that the spotted lanternfly, an invasive insect, has been found in multiple counties in New York. This insect is native to Asia and has also been detected in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia. ...

Lyme Disease Awareness
May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, a chance for Lyme patients, activists and educators to spread information on how to prevent Lyme and tick-borne diseases. Lyme disease is the best known tickborne illness. But ticks can transmit several other serious...

Protect Your Evergreens
Your beautiful evergreens are often the stars of your landscape. They provide year-round greenery, are great for privacy fences, for soundproofing and in winter can protect you from harsh winter winds. Evergreens need water to thrive in the summer, in the fall and...

Lyme Disease and Tick Removal
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 476,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the US every year. However, because diagnosing Lyme can be difficult, many people who actually have Lyme may be misdiagnosed with other conditions....

Prevent Tick Bites and Illnesses
Prevent tick bites and illnesses with these tips Avoid Tick Habitat Ticks tend to be near the ground, in leaf litter, grasses, bushes and fallen logs. High risk activities include playing in leaves, gathering firewood and leaning against tree trunks. When you...

Girdling Roots – A Problem That Can Cause Tree Death
There are several trees in our area including Sugar Maples and Scarlet Oaks that don’t disappoint when the landscape lights up with dazzling colors each fall. As we admire these majestic trees, many may have a common problem that can easily be unnoticed, girdling...

Getting Landscape Ready for Winter
It is time to prepare your landscape for a long winter’s nap. Due to cooler temperatures you can now reduce watering needs for your property. However, if you have planted new plants It is a good idea to water them into December. Now is the time of the year to...

Is Your Property Ready for a Hurricane?
Living on Long Island means we live with the possibility of hurricanes. There is no way to completely protect your landscape from storms. However, there are some things you can do to minimize the damage to your property if a storm hits. In addition to wind tolerance...

Create A Landscape You Can Embrace
We have all been staying at home more often than we’ve wanted and many of us unfortunately are having stay-cations this year to stay safe.More than likely you’ve examined every inch of your indoor and outdoor spaces to see what improvements could be made for your...

Gardening Tips
Our recent stay-at-home orders have given many of us spare time to think about what our properties potential is. It’s not a surprise that many of us have taken up gardening. Gardening is a proven stress reliever and gives us a reason to get out into fresh air....

Pest Control Starts in Spring
Enjoy the outdoors without fear Don’t be surprised if you have seen a mosquito even though it’s April, they are generally active from April through October. Since the weather is warming up, it is time to protect yourself from mosquitos and ticks. According to a...

Tree Plantings-Celebrate the Earth
The dialogue that goes on in Nature occurs throughout the seasons mostly without our direct involvement, but April may very well be a wonderful time to interject a hearty ‘Thank You.’ Thanks for Spring returning to give us warmer temperatures, longer days,...

Red Thread Disease
Extended periods of cool wet weather can result in red thread lawn disease caused by the lawn fungus Laetisaria fuciformis. This lawn disease inflicts its most damage during mid- to late spring and late summer to early fall. The fungi live in the soil and thatch layer...

Invasive Plants Long Island
Persicaria perfoliate This invasive vine, also known as the mile a minute weed, Asian tearthumb, or devil tail is all over Long Island including the Town of Southampton. Persicaria perfoliate is a vigorous, barbed vine that smothers other herbaceous plants, shrubs and...

Hardscapes and Softscapes
Hardscapes consists of the non-living elements of landscaping, such as a brick patio, a stone wall, decks or a arbors or pergolas walkways. also include water features, like ponds and fountains. Softscapes are live horticultural elements that are fluid and...

Curb Appeal – Landscape Care
To provide proper landscape care for your property it is important to evaluate your properties eco-system. There are factors to manage such as soil, flora and fauna as well as climate conditions to be able to allow for optimum plant growth. Nature’s...

Plant a Tree on National Arbor Day
Every Year in April the Arbor Day Foundation celebrates the importance of trees. According to : Trees provide the very necessities of life itself. They clean our air, protect our drinking water, create healthy communities, and feed the...

Spring Landscape Care
Prepare your property for Spring with these suggestions: Lawn Work: Remove debris from lawns by light raking. Seed or sod new lawns and re-seed bare spots. Mow when grass reaches 3 inches high. On established lawns, apply weed controls. Prevent...

Landscape Design for Energy Efficiency
Did you know that proper landscape design can lower your energy bills? Solar heat absorbed through windows and roofs can increase cooling costs, and incorporating shade from landscaping elements can help reduce this solar heat gain. Trees are available in the...

Tree Health Preliminary Self Analysis
A list of things to consider when assessing tree health and possible tree failure: Did you see any recent changes in the tree? Is the tree tilting? Is the earth on one side of the tree rising? Is there cracking in the soil next to the trunk?...

Landscape Design Planning
Your family yard is an extension of your home. Even though plants go dormant in the winter you don’t have to. What better time is it to plan the landscape design of your new room in your home, outdoors, while the snow begins to fall. Since landscape companies...

Tree Care 101
This article on entitled "Long Island Tree Care 101" was published online on November 7, 2018 in Newsday and offers good advice on checking your tree health before winter storms. Southampton's Nature's Guardian Inc. has a Certified Arborist on staff to assist...

Vole Control
Every year homeowners on the East End have to contend with meadow voles. Voles are different from moles, they create more damage to your landscape by eating plants and roots. Voles operate year round but thrive in winter and harsh snowy weather traveling under...

Deer Control for Your Property
Deer control management can be challenging but there are some solutions to keep them from eating your plants and shrubs. Install Deer Fencing which is an effective way to keep deer off of your property. Depending on your property’s it may be expensive. We recommend...

Fall Cleanup and Lawn Cultivation
When lawns are growing, they respond well to cultivation tasks that improve soil quality. Unless you’re planting a new lawn and can till up the entire area, lawn cultivation is done gradually, every year or two, so that the lawn grasses can recover. Here are the most...

Fall Lawns
There are two basic types of grasses—cool-season and warm-season. Each have different needs and requirements: Cool-season lawns (fescue, bluegrass, and rye) have their peak growing season in the early fall. This is the absolute best time of year to establish,...

Tree Pruning Can Prevent Storm Damage
Are your trees ready for the next storm? High winds, heavy rain and snow can be devastating for trees especially stressed ones. Good tree pruning can help prevent future storm damage. During a storm, tree branches can break or trees can uproot. ...

Lawn Heat Stress
Heat stress is heat stress occurs during consistently hot, dry weather when a lawn is experiencing moisture loss. Lawns suffering from heat stress often experience discoloration either to entire blades of grass or just the tips. Heat...

Lawn Brown Patch
Brown Patch is a common summer lawn disease caused by a fungus called Rhizoctonia. The disease can infect a variety of common turfgrasses but the most susceptible grass species include perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and the bentgrasses. Once started, brown patch...

Nitrogen Pollution
Long Island waters are threatened by nitrogen pollution. In 2015, New York State appropriated $5 million to develop LINAP. The Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP) is a multiyear initiative to reduce nitrogen in Long Island’s surface and ground waters...

Tick Removal
What to know about tick removal - some tips: Crawling ticks can be easily removed by hand. They will not bite. Attached ticks may be removed with fingers shielded by a paper towel or tissue or grasping firmly with tweezers crosswise as close to the joint of attachment...

Giant Hogweed Plant
Giant hogweed is a large flowering perennial, a member of the carrot family. This noxious weed can grow to over 14 feet. It is a fast growing invasive plant that is in several areas on Long Island. They include: East Norwich and Sea Cliff in Nassau and Riverhead,...
Protect Yourself from Ticks
Tick season began in April on Long Island. Although Lyme disease is the most common tick borne illness, other tickborne diseases are being transmitted. This includes babesiosis which is caused by a parasite, and ehrlichiosis, a bacterial infection from the very...

2017 Dan’s Best of the Best Winner
Nature's Guardian has won again in 2017 Dan's Best of The Best South Fork awards in the categories of Landscaper -Platinum award and Tree Services-Gold award. Thank you for your support! This year Dan’s Papers Best of the Best Competition received over 100,000...
Deer Tick Protection
Protect yourself from deer tick borne illness - avoid high brushy areas whenever you're in the woods. Here are some tips from the New York State Department of Health to prevent deer tick-borne illnesses when spending time outdoors: Wear light-colored clothing with a...

Powassan virus warning in Suffolk County
Experts warn of increases in tick-borne illness called Powassan virus. Summer is nearly here, and it's bringing fears of a rare tick-borne disease called Powassan. The Powassan virus (POW) is a rare but serious disease that can be spread to humans by infected...

2016 Dan’s Best of the Best Winner
Nature's Guardian has won for the third year in a row a 2016 Dan's Best of The Best South Fork awards in the categories of Landscaper -Platinum award and Tree Services-Bronze award. Thanks you for your support!