
Protecting, Nurturing and Beautifying Landscapes in the Hamptons Since 1980

Tick Removal

What to know about tick removal – some tips:

  • Crawling ticks can be easily removed by hand. They will not bite.
  • Attached ticks may be removed with fingers shielded by a paper towel or tissue or grasping firmly with tweezers crosswise as close to the joint of attachment as possible. Pull the tick steadily outward without twisting or jerking so that the mouth parts, which are imbedded in the skin, do not break off.
  • If the mouth parts of the tick do break off, consult your physician.
  • Do not kill the tick while it is still attached to the skin. Dispose of tick by dropping into alcohol or flushing down toilet.
  • Apply antiseptic to the site of the bite.
  • Be alert for any symptoms which may appear after the bite (usually 2 to 12 days). Symptoms may include: expanding red ring around bite; fever and headache followed by a generalized skin rash; chills, sore at site of bite; swollen, painful lymph nodes. If any of these or other symptoms occur, consult your physician immediately.

Above information obtained by the Long Island State Park Headquarters