This has been the most common inquiry this season. In 2011 the first cases of Boxwood Blight were confirmed in the Hamptons. With Boxwoods being a signature plant of the Hamptons this is quite alarming reminiscent of the Privet Prunicola scale of 10 years ago. “So what is wrong with you, Boxwoods?” |
Well it could be one of the following problems Most alarming is:”Boxwood Blight” Boxwood Blight is a fungal disease that can infect many varieties of boxwoods from those for sale & those already in your landscape. It is an aggressive disease that causes initial brown or black leaf & stem spots followed by a dramatic leaf drop & decline of the Boxwoods. This disease can progress very quickly & should be treated as soon as symptoms are seen. Infection can lead to a complete loss of the plant. Additional species of plants susceptible to Box Blight is Pachysandra & Sweetbox. Contact us regarding alternative plant should you need to replace them. A secondary disease on Boxwood that is very prevalent this season is: “Volutella Blight” Symptoms consist of discolored and spindly plants. Dead or dying branches occur randomly within the plant. Leaves turn tan/yellow and stems show loosening of bark. Watch for die back and leaf loss particularly on tightly growing varieties. If you are seeing any of these symptoms Call us TODAY @ 631-204-1970 Don’t Forget Irrigation As we begin Summer and temperatures are on the rise. It is important to adjust your sprinkler system to water for a longer period of time, the cool wet spring has predisposed your landscape to possible disease attack as well as leaf scorch. Lawns and trees have shown a recent outbreak of fungal activity. Should you see any suspicious areas please call us to investigate.